Friday, November 5, 2010

Netflix this: FOOD MATTERS

So I watched this the other day and think everyone should too. Its been a struggle to find something to cook every night, let alone something that wont end up killing us in the not so long run.  I want to buy local food but its so dang expensive. I'm making Dez take me to the farm and teach me his ways.  (he says he grew up on the farm and so I need to make him teach me!) I'm going to try and grow whatever I can at the ward farm (if they let me).  Out here is cool because they have plots of land that they let people grow food for their families. My dream list for my future house keeps getting longer and longer.  So far I want a garden, a compost bin, nice washers and dryers(that are not communal and do not have other people's POOP in them. GAG), a laundry line for the sunny days, solar panels... and that's it so far.

1 comment:

Annette said...

I love your list of dreams for your someday house. I would like that house too!