Sunday, April 24, 2011

Traditions are HARD!

 One thing I never gave too much thought was what family traditions I would try and carry on with my own growing family.  Holidays seem to sneak up on me and then the day of I'm frantic to find or make something somewhat resembling my own family traditions.  It's been much easier to just adapt what Dez's family usually does because they are all right here and we're invited to do whatever they're doing.

This beautiful Easter morning I woke up realizing I had nothing special prepped or even planned for the day! So I grabbed what few eggs we had and forced Dez to decorate at least one. He has never carved a pumpkin (which I will insist on this year) or dyed and easter egg!  After boiling, cooling, coloring, dipping, and dunking dunking they were complete! Only to be de-shelled, smashed and eaten in one egg sandwich session less than 5 minutes later.... Oh well, at least I hadn't grown attached to any of the decorations I'd done (or the lack there of).  I just left plenty room to improve for next year!  

Hopefully with time we can establish our families traditions with a nice mixture from both our sides of the family. We'll see what sticks!

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